Service Star Device
3/16" Service Star device used with the 3/16" Service Star Mold. This device has prongs that need to be clipped off.
Two Combined Service Star Device NO PRONGS
Three Combined Service Star Device NO PRONGS
Four Combined Service Star Device NO PRONGS
Personal Star Device
5/16" Personal Star devices used with the 5/16" Mold. This device has prongs that need to be clipped off
Two Combined Personal Star Device NO PRONGS
Three Combined Personal Star Device NO PRONGS
Four Combined Personal Star Device NO PRONGS
Oak Leaf Cluster Device NO PRONGS
Two Oak Leaf Device NO PRONGS
Three Oak Leaf Cluster Device NO PRONGS
Four Oak Leaf Cluster Device NO PRONGS
Ribbon Spacing Stick - Army
Ribbon Stick: Army
Ribbon Spacing Stick - Navy
Ribbon Stick: Navy
Ribbon Spacing Stick - USMC
Ribbon Stick: Marine Corps
Ribbon Spacing Stick - Coast Guard
Ribbon Stick: Coast Guard